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Wheelchair ramps are a common way of addressing issues of entry into a home or place of business. There are a few common forms of ramps: permanent (typically constructed of concrete or wood), modular (typically made of aluminum), and removable.

Choosing which type of ramp is most appropriate depends on your needs. Permanent ramps are most suitable for individuals with long-term needs. For individuals who have more short-term needs or needs of an unknown period of time, modular ramps are an ideal solution. These are most commonly constructed of aluminum and can be quickly constructed or deconstructed by a specialist. The third type of ramp is a removable ramp. These are made of aluminum and can come in varying widths and lengths. They are ideal for temporary set ups, such as into vehicles or door thresholds. They are lightweight and can be easily transported.

There are strict ADA guidelines which ramp construction must follow. These ensure the safety for those using the ramp, regardless of which style is selected. While it may be tempting to tackle this project on your own, the specialists at Accessible America can ensure that you receive the safest, most economical solution.

As with all of our products, we strive to offer you the most innovative, reliable, and high-quality brands to meet your unique situation and budget.

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PO Box 271, Verona, PA 15147


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